Easy Tools to Help Boost Coach-Player Interaction

Engagement. Interaction. Collaboration.
It’s different now. Customers, Students, Trainees, etc all want to be heard and involved.
But this is really hard to do well when running a camp or program with a seemingly endless list of tasks.
NetCamps will always offer you registration and payment processing for your camp, but now we can do more to help you meet the demands of today’s athletes and parents.
Below we are highlighting 4 recently added features under NetCamps PLUS:
- Automated Surveys, to give your participants and parents a voice
- Photo Sharing, to give parents reassurance and participants cool memories
- Your own User Community, to build engagement and allow for participation
- Athlete Feedback, to offer a personalized experience to your participants
Not sure if you want to upgrade? Shoot us a note at info@netcamps.com and we’ll be happy to give you a free trial.
Request Feedback
You can now ask registrants for anonymous input: click to enable a 3 question survey during Step 5 of camp setup. It will be automatically emailed to all participants on the date you specify. There’s no legwork required by you, except to review the responses in your dashboard.
Share Photos
What better way to show Mom/Dad that their child is having a great experience than to share an action photo! Now you can upload up to 200 images per camp, and you have an option to tag any participant. Tagging a participant will trigger an email to that registration email with a link. Or tag ‘all’, which will trigger an email to all participants.
Manage a User Forum
Share tips and answer questions with your very own User Forum on your NetCamps account homepage. Once enabled, anyone – you, a current participant, parents, a potential participant, etc – can ask a question or submit a comment in this forum. And anyone can reply! It is a great way to build a community of engagement and can be accessed at any time, not just during a camp. And you have moderator rights, with the ability to remove any content that is inappropriate.
Some admins have used this in support of a camp – e.g. asking participants to post their camp goals in advance, or asking trivia questions for a reward, or etc etc
Provide A Personalized Development Plan
A great way to give participants extra ‘value’ and make them feel involved is to provide them with an overview of their strengths and areas of focus coming out of camp. You can specify the attributes by which to rate participants and, although there are 3 pre-defined, you can tailor the rating levels as well if you wish.
Upon completion of the assessment, you can click to email the assessment or print a hard copy for delivery.