Serving Camp Leaders Since 2012

Category: Coaches Corner

7 Great Continuing Education Resources for Soccer Coaches

7 Great Continuing Education Resources for Soccer Coaches

by on June 1, 2023

As a soccer coach or organizer of a soccer camp, of course the focus is mainly on helping athletes improve their skills and techniques on the field. However, with the continual evolution of knowledge, tactics, and approaches, it is imperative that coaches actively seek to stay connected to the current approaches to the sport. After…

6 Benefits of Attending a Fitness Camp

6 Benefits of Attending a Fitness Camp

by on May 12, 2023

A fitness camp can be a unique and exciting way for individuals to break away from routines and improve their well-being. These camps offer a wide range of activities, from traditional exercise to outdoor adventures, all designed to challenge and inspire participants towards personal fitness goals.  If you’re looking to get fit and healthy, attending…

The Importance of Camps for Aspiring Soccer Players

The Importance of Camps for Aspiring Soccer Players

by on May 10, 2023

Coaching soccer camps can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both coaches and aspiring players. They provide a unique opportunity to develop and refine soccer skills, build camaraderie with fellow players, while learning valuable life lessons in the process. As a coach, your role is essential in guiding these young athletes on their journey towards…

Elevate Your Athletic Camps: Proven Strategies for Empowering Coaches and Athletes Alike

Elevate Your Athletic Camps: Proven Strategies for Empowering Coaches and Athletes Alike

by on April 13, 2023

Athletic camps play a significant role in the development of young athletes. These camps provide a platform for athletes to enhance their skills, learn new techniques, and receive valuable guidance from experienced coaches. The success of an athletic camp lies in the hands of the coaches and athletes, as their contributions directly impact the overall…

Be Excellent!

Be Excellent!

by on April 3, 2014

A highly respected leader remarked recently that mediocrity is fast becoming the byword of our times. Every imaginable excuse is now used to make it acceptable. Budget cuts, time deadlines, majority opinion, and hard-nosed practicality are outshouting and outrunning excellence. Those forces seem to be winning the race. Incompetence and status quo averages are held…

Mixing Up the Snap Count

Mixing Up the Snap Count

by on March 4, 2014

If you watched the playoff game between the Denver Broncos and the San Diego Chargers, you no doubt saw a disproportionate number of neutral zone infractions by the Chargers – seven jumps, and the Broncos caught five of them for a penalty. How did this happen? This is an NFL defense we’re talking about –…

3 Keys to Dominating Kick Off Coverage

3 Keys to Dominating Kick Off Coverage

by on February 21, 2014

While the kick off team at the NFL level is becoming more and more obsolete due to the rule changes, which has kickers sailing their kicks through the endzone, high school and college games continue to have their contests impacted greatly by this unit. It has been my philosophy that the kick off team has…