Serving Camp Leaders Since 2012

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Energizing Youth Sports Fundraisers for the Fall

Energizing Youth Sports Fundraisers for the Fall

by on June 27, 2024

Fall is a vibrant season full of excitement, especially for youth sports teams gearing up for a new school year and fresh athletic challenges. Fundraising is essential to provide teams with the necessary resources and to build a sense of community among players, families, and supporters. To make your fundraising efforts both effective and enjoyable,…

Online Legal and Liability Forms

Online Legal and Liability Forms

by on May 12, 2014

Did you know that checking an “I agree” box is legally equivalent to a wet signature? It’s true! Thanks to the Electronic Signatures Act of 2000. So, whenever you click “I agree” on Amazon’s or the iTunes million page long user agreement, you’re actually signing a legally binding contract. So, what does this have to do…